Direct Drive

Diesel engine driven high pressure pump for crude oil pumping in Iraq, 3 units delivered in 2011; Diesel engines with 1.376 kw power.


Natural Gas engine to drive a gas compressor for an exploration platform in South East Asia.


Diesel-Engine-Pump-Set; Oil pumping units for Iraq; 580 kw & 782 kw diesel engines.


LINDENBERG-ANLAGEN GmbH operates is own pump test facility which can accommodate pumps up to 1.100 kw diesel power @ an output of 40 bar pressure and 760 m³/h volume flow.

  • Exhaust system incl. silencer and spark arrestor, sound enclosure, in base frame integrated oil tank, base frame, control & power cabinets: Calculation, Design and Manufacturing by Lindenberg-Anlagen GmbH
  • Packaging incl. piping and wiring, assembly and testing: by Lindenberg-Anlagen GmbH
  • Auxilliary equipment:
    Calculation, design and procurement by Lindenberg-Anlagen GmbH